Innovation Strategies

Innovation Strategies

services to make this a better world,

services to make this a better world,
Our mission is to identify, promote and leverage viable solutions to issues of sustainability through a combination of local presence and international linkages and collaboration. We pursue strategic priorities to span the environmental, social and economic domains, making use of new technologies and propelling innovation in search of quality and value-creation. For this, inspiration and the appreciation of diversity in competencies and culture is key.
While our headquarters are located in the Sultanate of Oman, at the heartlands of the Middle East, we work cross-border, exploring and cultivating the opportunities that reside in the ancient linkages within the Middle East, as well as with Europe, Asia and Africa, while engaging new actors and opening for new exploratory efforts for concrete results.

Welcome to “Qualies”, the Organisation for Quality and Innovation Strategies. Our organisation is staged in constant development, inclusive and action-oriented.
We would be delighted to work and collaborate with you, providing our services, sharing our experience and making use of our and other experts knowledge to make your organisation, ideas or projects grow “green”.
In all activities, we aim to embrace and support sustainability – Economy, Environment, and Social context need to go together for the long-term, wether at national, global, or local level, entangling all relevant parties.
Value Creation
We prioritise value-creation that is genuine and shared, not one-sided, only for “me”. In every project, we ask ourselves and our counterparts – how, for whom, and how safeguarding that engagement translates into true improvement and change for the better.
Cross-border Collaboration
Our mission goes cross-border, between sectors, disciplines, geographically and culturally. Constructive communication in search of mutual gains, matching those who may not otherwise meet, breeds trust, new ideas and innovation.
Prosperity & Culture
The world we live in, as life itself, resembles a mosaic, with various valid points of view to everything. Prosperity draws on social, emotional and physical dimensions. Our culture is that of welcoming, for all to bring their part.
Have Any Questions?
If you have any questions or concerns about the matter of “Qualies”, the Organisation for Quality and Innovation Strategies, please do not hesitate to contact us.